We provide on line tools for the best management of your spot RFQ,

a portal to monitor the trend of the ocean freights rates

and the Real Time Visibility of your containers!

New shippers joining Aurora will benefit of the Aurora tools until the end of the year, with the only costs of the annual membership fee: 500€


Other Aurora services ...

Aurora holds an annual structured global tender with Shipping Companies
Double check your paid invoices to detect and recover any overcharge
Repository of all your freights, which will be available when you need them in the same place
Need to improve your billing cycle, avoid several invoices check and possible overcharges? Try Aurora self-billing system
Monitor contracts and Suppliers performances
Need the help of a freight forwarder in your operations? Aurora can help you in selecting the right organization

Meet Aurora

Pool together limited size FCL Shippers and connect them directly to Shipping Companies, while providing state-of-the-art digital tools for the best management of procurement and handling of FCL transports ...

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